miércoles, 27 de enero de 2010

Tarea 1 - Portafolio Europeo de las Lenguas

I find this task it is specially useful to put your mind in order about your own English learning process. I have learnt languages for a long, long time so I am really using many of the ideas in these 2 documents. It gave me though the opportunity to think of the my own style of learning. For example, I am a visual person, I can remember what a particular teacher wrote during certain lesson in the classroom or that I like to learn by playing games.

Also, I have thought about why I do certain things like taking so many exams. For me it´s a way of keep up the level. Well, I have added some ideas on what I also do on this subject, it is really important and useful to take some time to reflect on oneself´s practice.

Impreso 6 - "Aprender a aprender"

(Click twice on the document to have a full view)

Impreso 7 - "Actividades de Aprendizaje"

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